The First Complete Biological Seed Treatment Platform for Organic Growers

The Albaugh Seed Treatment Team is excited to introduce the first complete biological seed treatment platform to provide the organic grower with a new seed treatment tool to help protect seeds and seedlings from insects, nematodes and diseases while enhancing seedling vigor, stand establishment and yield.

Please fill out the application form to be considered for the BIOST® innovation trial. Albaugh will notify you directly if you are selected for one of the BIOST® innovation trials.

The objective of the Innovation trial is for seed companies & growers to evaluate this exciting innovative organic seed treatment technology on a field scale level and see firsthand the performance of BIOST® Organic Seed Treatments and how it has direct impact on seedling vigor, stand establishment and yields verses the standard seed treatment application.

BIOST® Organic Seed Treatment Innovative Trial Qualifications:

  • Target Crops: Corn, Soybean, Cereals & Pulses
  • Seed treatment equipment: Must be approved equipment
  • Information Required: Vigor, stand count, disease or Insect performance & yield
  • Field Access: Allow agronomic assessment and evaluations
  • Visual Data: Aerial imaging preferred but still photos accepted
  • Customer Survey: Complete customer survey after harvest
  • Data Use: Grant Albaugh rights to use of pictures & trial data

Jay Stroh, Biological Seed Treatment Lead
Phone: 218-405-0875
[email protected]